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Ginny Keegan

Phone: 207-846-8863

Somewhere in County Tipperary, Ginny KeeganMexico Daze, Ginny KeeganBridge Street, Yarmouth Village, Ginny Keegan

Ginny Keegan is a watercolor artist and is an Adjunct Faculty member of Proprioceptive Writing Center. She paints and teaches "PW" in Maine, Mexico, and Ireland.

"My life as a painter began on the Beara Peninsula in Ireland while facilitating the meditative writing practice known as Proprioceptive Writing. A watercolor workshop was also in process and I was invited to join. Encouraged by artists and that magical West of Ireland light, I ventured into a dazzling new world, exploring creativity through the process of Proprioceptive Writing. I return often to Anam Cara Writer's and Artist's Retreat Center on the Beara Peninsula and am now called 'the writer who came to write and left as a painter'."
